
Health Services Near Me

Right service, right time

A valuable resource for community and service providers

13 Regional Services Directories

The Country SA Services Directory is a single database of services in country South Australia that is presented as thirteen regional services directories.

The directories are designed to be easily accessible platforms of current information about health and support services in each region – helping people find the right service, at the right place, at the right time to meet their need. Services are aligned with six domains related to people’s health and wellbeing.

Service Directory

Visit the service directory and find support services in each of the 13 regions

Service Directory

Dementia Support SA

Are you looking for Dementia Services near you?

The Dementia Support SA website allows you to search for dementia services that are in your region. The website gives you access to a database of services across South Australia.

This site is designed to assist patients, carers and families to find services that are helpful at any point in the Dementia journey.

Visit Dementia Support SA