
Accreditation Webinar series and Popguns Triage resource

Quality Practice Accreditation (QPA) recently held a Triage Webinar for general practice outlining what is Triage, the processes and protocols, the 5th Standards requirements and useful resources.

QPA promoted the Country SA PHN Popguns Triage resource as a useful tool and guide for non-clinical practice staff to aid in the triage process.

For further information or to receive a copy of the Popgun Triage resource please contact the Practice Support Team on [email protected]

A reminder the Accreditation Webinar series can be accessed on the Country SA PHN Community Health Connections platform under the Practice Support tab. For access to the platform contact [email protected]

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare has provided information on Accreditation assessments for general practice in 2022.  Further information can be accessed at the link below.

 National General Practice Accreditation Scheme

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