
Anyone can learn how to help: suicide prevention campaign launched to protect regional SA communities.

The transition from working in a hardware store to becoming a suicide prevention support worker isn’t an obvious one, but for Whyalla resident Anne Evans it’s a change that has provided many opportunities to make a real difference in her community.

Now she’s taking that commitment even further by featuring in a campaign which is about showing that anyone can learn how to help a person who might be thinking about taking their own life. Country SA PHN has launched the campaign to promote QPR, an online suicide prevention training which is being offered for free to all residents within the National Suicide Prevention Trial region of Whyalla, Port Lincoln, Port Augusta, Port Pirie, the Yorke Peninsula and the towns in between.

Country SA PHN has launched the campaign to promote QPR, an online suicide prevention training which is being offered for free to all residents within the National Suicide Prevention Trial region of Whyalla, Port Lincoln, Port Augusta, Port Pirie, the Yorke Peninsula and the towns in between.

“The intent behind this campaign is to show that anyone can learn important skills which might help to save a colleague, friend or loved one when they need it most,” Anne said

“Whatever your background – whether you’re younger or older; male or female; work in an office, on the road or stay at home; and right down to whether you play sport on the weekend – QPR can teach lifesaving skills which all of us can use in our everyday lives.

“Talking about suicide can be tough for some people. This training is designed to give you important skills and knowledge; it helps to better prepare you for situations.

“The QPR training doesn’t take long to do and you can do it from the comfort of your own home which is a pretty easy way to learn a skill you’ll have for life.”

The campaign comes at a time when many community members might be dealing with increased stress and anxiety as a result of COVID-19.

“The advertising campaign we have created is an extension of our work to roll out the largest community capacity building strategy ever seen in regional South Australia,” Country SA PHN CEO Kim Hosking said.

“More than 1600 people from across regional South Australia have already accessed the QPR training which has created a vital layer of additional community protection. Now, we’re hoping even more people will access it after seeing the campaign across TV and social media.”

QPR, which stands for question, persuade, refer, is designed to provide everyday people with three simple steps to help save a life from suicide.

After completing QPR, 88% of participants to date have rated their knowledge of how to ask someone about suicide as high to very high – as opposed to only 23% prior to completing the training.

Furthermore, 89% of participants rated their knowledge of how to get help for someone as high to very high range – as opposed to only 31% prior to completing the training.

Alongside Anne, the television advertisement features residents and locations from Port Augusta, Port Lincoln and Whyalla. Initially, campaign activity will be shown within the National Suicide Prevention Trial region.

To undertake the QPR training, click here.

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