
Australian Government Cancer Screening GP Engagement Kits

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care is seeking help from healthcare providers to increase participation in the national cancer screening programs. 

In 2022 the Australian Government distributed GP cancer screening engagement packs to more than 7000 general practices across Australia including demo bowel screening kits, cervical screening swabs and waiting room posters.  

As part of the evaluation of that mailout, GPs told us the packs were valuable and future packs should include additional translated resources for consumers from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities.  

As a result, we are mailing new and updated kits and providing translated materials to distribute across practices to help encourage patients to screen for bowel, breast and cervical cancer.  

The packs will include: 

  • A letter to the practice manager with information on how to distribute the kits. 
  • Four posters, one for each national cancer screening program and a self-collect campaign poster. Translations will be available to be printed in-practice.  
  • A National Cancer Screening Register flyer with information about how to connect clinical software to the NCSR.
  • Five presentation folders for GPs which include: 
    • Demonstration bowel cancer screening home test kit and cervical screening self-collection swab. 
    • Three fact sheets with illustrated reference guides – translations of the reference guide will be available online for printing.  
    • A tearaway notepad to write personalised notes for patients with information about cancer screening to take home.

Digital copies of the printed materials within the pack, can also be found on the Department of Health and Aged Care website

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