
CPD for GPs using HealthPathways SA

GPs – did you know that using HealthPathways can count towards CPD hours? 

While HealthPathways is an important clinical tool for treating patients, it also functions as a quality improvement tool through continuing professional development. The RACGP and ACRRM have now formally approved the use of HealthPathways for CPD.

Our new pathway CPD hours for HealthPathways Use outlines CPD requirements, provides guidance on using our pathways for CPD and links to CPD homes and our reflective activity templates for both RACGP and ACRRM.

GP users of HealthPathways can claim their time on the site against CPD quotas as self-directed learning. HealthPathways has developed the reflective activity templates with the RACGP and ACRRM to appraise knowledge and use of clinical guidelines and referral pathways. By submitting these documents to a CPD home, GPs can gain additional CPD hours.

With comprehensive, evidence-based assessment, management and local referral resources for specific health conditions, HealthPathways can also be used educationally to develop quality improvement activities for practices based on our pathways.

Find out more about attaining CPD hours in HealthPathways and look through our clinical pathways via the HealthPathways website.

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