Wednesday 20 October 2021, 12.30pm - 1.00pm ACDT
Want to know more about the Lived Experience Workforce in South Australia, or how to become a peer worker? The Lived Experience Workforce Program at the MHCSA presents a series of lunchtime, online discussions with lived experienced workers across the sector.
Join Lizzie Graham, Senior Project Officer with the Lived Experience Workforce Program as she unpacks what it means to be a Lived Experience Worker across a range of areas. This live webinar includes a Q&A so you can join in the discussion.
In our third webinar of LEW Lunch “N” Learn Lizzie joins Liam Kilner and Danielle Dodd to talk about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peer Support and Lived Experience Workers.
Liam is a Peer Support Worker at headspace Onkaparinga supporting young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by providing emotional peer support, cultural mentoring and culturally safe support.
Danielle works in the Office of Chief Psychiatrist providing support to the Principal Aboriginal Mental Health Advisor on specific projects such as the development of Suicide Prevention Networks within 5 identified Aboriginal Communities/Populated and Community Engagement.
In this session Liam and Danielle will share their knowledge about working with their communities and how they bring their own experiences to their work.
Sign up here and the webinar link will be sent to you the Monday before as a reminder.