The care finder program is funded to provide intensive help to older Australians who need extra support to access aged care and other community support systems. Country SA PHN in 2023 commissioned 3 organisations to deliver the program across our regions.
The Department of Health and Aged Care engaged Australian Healthcare Associates to evaluate the program nationally. In May, the first report was released. Information in the report was gathered from monthly data submitted, consultation with the Department, PHNs, care finder organisations, care finders and older people themselves.
The extensive report shared many findings, here are few:
It was noted nationally:
Key system barriers were:
The care finder program has many future opportunities and continues to evolve as all the networks involved, pursue this important and needed service. If you would like to read the report in full visit the Department of Health and Aged Care website.
Country SA PHN would like to thank, Country & Outback Health consortium, AgedCare Alternatives and Centacare Catholic Country SA for delivering the care finder program across country SA. The dedication of the workforce and their drive to support the program is commendable and much appreciated.
If you would like more information on the care finder program and how to contact a care finder service in country SA, please visit the Country SA PHN website or contact Helen Morley, care finder lead. Email [email protected] or call 08 8303 7710.
Published on: July 4, 2024
Last updated on: July 5, 2024