
Initial Assessment and Referral

Hello to our incredible country SA GPs, registrars, practice managers, Aboriginal Health workers and practitioners, nursing staff, and all other clinicians!

Welcome to our new Monthly Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool snippet.  

In challenging times for our GPs and other clinicians when making decisions for the most appropriate level of care for patients with mental health concerns. Country SA PHN would like to offer support and training.

Following on from the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool introduction in our June 2022 newsletter, and the welcoming of Sally Patten to the role of Initial Assessment and Referral Training Support Officer, we would like to share over the coming months more information about the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool and answer any queries you may have. We respect the pressures on our health workforce and are not looking to over burden with lengthy information.

So many acronyms…. what do they stand for?

IAR-DST - Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool provides a standardised, evidence-based and objective approach to assist GPs and mental health clinicians with mental health care recommendations. The tool has been in use by the Head to Health intake team and other clinicians in the mental health sector since 2019.

IAR-TSO - Initial Assessment and Referral Training Support Officer is Sally Patten’s role and here for you now that The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care is expanding its availability into primary care settings. Country SA PHN anticipates that the use of the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool will become standard practice in many local settings in the coming years.

Sally works in collaboration with Lived Experience Members, expert GPs, and clinical advisors, 31 PHNs Nationally, the Initial Assessment and Referral National Training Project Manager – Jenni Campbell, Local Health Networks, Department of Health and Aged Care, Country SA PHN commissioned service providers, State Mental Health providers, non-Country SA PHN commissioned service providers and over time there will be many more.

Country SA PHN realise and value the importance of working collaboratively throughout the life of the Initial Assessment and Referral Project and Sally will be ready to support you for several years to come.

Please contact Sally at [email protected] to discuss training opportunities or if you have a question, query or feedback.

Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool Q&A with Sally Patten

The Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool does Not replace clinical judgment based on presentation. Your clinical judgment is irreplaceable.

Question: Can you tell me more about the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool?

 Answer: Yes, absolutely we can

Questions: But……. WHY use the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool?

Answer: Great question and one that Country SA PHN expects to hear often

We hope you gained some insite from our monthly Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool snippet! Keep an eye out next month for information about the Initial Assessment and Referral eight Initial Assessment Domains.

Published on: July 21, 2022

Last updated on: July 25, 2022

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