
New Lymphoedema Pathways

Are you a General Practitioner (GP) or health professional looking for information about Lymphoedema?

HealthPathways SA supports health professionals in the assessment, diagnosis and management of clinical conditions. A new pathway for Lymphoedema has recently been developed, click here to check it out. In collaboration with Lymphoedema expert Professor Neil Pillar, utilising best evidence, the pathway has been localised to the South Australian context.

Dr Helena Williams, GP Clinical Editor for the Lymphoedema pathway, “I’m embarrassed to admit that as a GP of 30 years’ experience, I really didn’t know an awful lot about Lymphoedema. Working with Professor Neil Pillar to localise this pathway was a joy - he’s so knowledgeable and enthusiastic. I’m really hoping other South Australian GPs find the pathway as helpful as I do”.

Access to HealthPathways SA is free to health professionals, for access to the site click here.

Your feedback is essential

HealthPathways are dynamic and your feedback is essential to maintain currency. If you would like to provide feedback, there is a feedback button on every pathway and referral page, or alternatively email us at [email protected].

HealthPathways South Australia is a partnership between Country SA PHN, Adelaide PHN and Wellbeing SA.

Published on: March 23, 2022

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