The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024 held from April 30 to May 2 in Adelaide, bought together experts, policymakers, community leaders, and advocates to address the pressing issue of suicide prevention. This year marked the 25th Anniversary of the event with the theme Collective Courage, Accelerate Impact focussed on empowering attendees to take meaningful actions and collaborate in suicide prevention efforts.
Karen McColl our Regional Suicide Prevention Coordinator attended and provides the following insights.
The conference welcome was delivered by His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) Governor General of Australia who left delegates pondering what is the seatbelt in a car equivalent, strategies in suicide prevention and how can we work collectively towards that. Country SA PHN welcomed the Hon Emma McBride MP Assistance Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention announcement of “a renewed commitment of $21million in the Targeted Regional Initiatives for Suicide Prevention program, to be delivered nation-wide through the Government’s 31 Primary Health Networks. The one-year extension will also focus on translating learnings from the last two years of the Program into building capacity and capability within local communities to prevent suicide”, said the Assistant Minister.
International Keynote Speakers David McDaid – Associate Professorial Research Fellow in Health Policy and Health Economics presented, “We can’t afford not to talk about it.” Making the economic case for self-harm and suicide prevention and Associate Professor Laura Shannon from Georgia State University presented an innovative clinical trial for older adults. Interestingly Professor Shannon talked to findings of the positive impact of connection and people trained to recognise and respond to suicide and suicide behaviours, much like our findings under the National Suicide Prevention Trial in country South Australia.
Additionally, Shane Fitzsimmons AO AFSM gave a great presentation on leadership through the 2019/20 Fires and beyond.
The conference featured a variety of workshops and panel discussions designed to equip attendees with practical tools and knowledge. Topics ranged from groups disproportionately affected by suicide, policy impact and systematic change, lived experience, and service design and best practice.
The South Australia Suicide Prevention Council of which our Executive Manager for Mental Health and AOD Strategy Chez Curnow is a member, presented on the SA Suicide Prevention Act 2021. The first of such in the nation, embedding a whole of Government approach to Suicide Prevention. The presentation was led by Nadia Clancy MP, Premier’s Advocate for Suicide Prevention and was well received and provoked some great questions from delegates.
The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024 was a resounding success - bringing together a diverse array of voices united by a common goal: to reduce the incidence of suicide and support those impacted by it. The insights, innovations, and collaborations born out of this event will undoubtedly contribute to stronger, more resilient communities across Australia.
As we move forward, the collective efforts of all stakeholders – government, health professionals, community leaders, and individuals – will be crucial in creating a future where mental health support is accessible to all, and suicide rates are significantly reduced.