
NHMRC-funded ALIVE National Centre for Mental Health Research Translation and Australian National University

The 2024 ANU-ALIVE National Lived-Experience Priorities Study for young people living with mental ill-health (aged 16-25) and their carers, family, or kinship groups ensures we are informed of the mental health priorities of Australia’s throughout the life course and that our research agenda aligns closely with the needs of those who it is for.

There are four different participation methods to help us generate and prioritise mental health research topics: an online survey, photo interviews, emotion mapping, and crowdsourcing. Read more about each and the 2024 ANU-ALIVE National Lived-Experience Priorities Study.

The priorities gathering work is an activity that the Centre will conduct annually and grow, not only researching priorities that will inform our roadmap but also provide a national resource for use by partners and affiliates, funders, and future researchers. If you are interested in getting further involved with our networks, including the lived-experience research collective, visit The ALIVE National Centre website.

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