
Promoting Stronger Bubba Born

Country SA PHN Newsletter November 2024

Having a safer and healthy pregnancy is the aim for all families. While having Sorry Business Babies (stillbirth) is unlikely for most women, there are a few key things to do to keep bubba safe.

Two years of consultation across Australia with First Nations’ communities, clinicians, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners and support organisations has gone into making sure evidence-based practice is implemented in First Nations communities' own ways of “knowing, being and doing”.

Resources have been created to take women through key prevention strategies in a culturally-sensitive way. There is a master brochure, an introduction video and five short flyers and videos to explain how to keep bubba safe.

The Stillbirth CRE Indigenous Advisory Group guided the Stillbirth CRE Indigenous team for the Indigenous consultations and co-designing of resources, in partnership with Curtin University. The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) and the Waminda South Coast Women’s Health and Wellbeing Aboriginal Corporation are also collaborators with the CRE on their Indigenous work. Access the resources and learn more at the Stronger Bubba Born website.

Image credit: Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC)

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