
Sunrise EMR & PAS Update - Secure messaging for letters from Sunrise Outpatient Clinic Notes

From Thursday 26 September 2024, letters generated from Outpatient Clinic Notes from public hospitals using Sunrise EMR can be sent to any nominated healthcare providers - general practitioners (GPs) and other healthcare providers - via Secure Messaging Delivery (SMD).

GPs / healthcare providers will continue to receive letters based on their opted communication preference recorded in the Health Provider Registry (HPRy). Preferences include Secure Messaging Delivery, ShareFile (email), fax or post. Users of the HPRy can conveniently update their own information at any time.

To be able to receive and provide data from/to SA Health via Secure Messaging Delivery, it is recommended for GPs / general practice centres / healthcare providers to register with the Health Provider Registry (HPRy) and select SMD as communication preference. Health professionals are able to register individually or through the practice they are located with. Registration is free.

If your general practice is already registered with the HPRy, your practice manager is able to change your communication preference to Secure Messaging Delivery. If you are not sure if your practice is registered with the HPRy or what your currently selected communication preference is, please speak to your practice manager and direct them to the SA Health Secure messaging website page that contains all additional and support information. 

Secure messaging enables instant and safe communication between healthcare providers. All messages sent via SMD are protected by encryption.

Electronic distribution of letters generated from Outpatient Clinic Notes via SMD will provide a range of benefits to patients and healthcare professionals.

Benefits for patients:

  • Patient data being appropriately and securely managed.
  • A reduced need to repeat the same information.
  • Confidential patient correspondence is only being seen by treating clinicians.
  • Improved timeliness of patient information available at the point of care.
  • Improved patient safety (timely communication supports patient care and reduces risk of misinterpretation of patient information or simply forgetting the details).
  • A more streamlined patient experience overall.

Benefits for GPs / Practice Managers / Practice Nurses / Non-GP specialists include:

  • A single channel through which medical information is received securely.
  • Timely and more efficient communication of patient care management information to GPs / healthcare providers.
  • Confidence in privacy and security of transmitted patient data.
  • Cost and time savings associated with GPs / healthcare providers having to track down information.

Please note that the letters that will be sent are generated from Outpatient Clinic Notes and don’t include all administrative correspondence/ letters.

Since 2020, Discharge Summaries (Medical, Maternity and Neonatal) are sent to GPs / healthcare providers via Secure Messaging Delivery if they selected SMD as a preferred communication method. So, if GP / healthcare provider selects SMD, they will receive letters generated from Outpatient Clinic Notes as well as Discharge Summaries via secure messaging.

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