
GoShare Plus (by Healthily)

GoShare Plus is a ‘next generation’ SMS recall and reminder tool that brings together CAT4’s health analytics capability with GoShare’s extensive content library.

It enables Practice staff to send engaging health resources to patient lists based on search/filter or reporting criteria.

What are the benefits to GPs and practices?

  • Enables efficient and measurable sharing of health resources tailored to patients’ information needs
  • Increase patient understanding and motivation to participate in preventative health campaigns and quality improvement activities
  • Provides a recall and reminder message via SMS with no cost to the practice
  • The digital content bundles aim to improve patient self-management behaviours and to empower people to play a more active role in their healthcare

How does GoShare work?

Click here to see how GoShare Plus works.

Examples of GoShare activities

  • QIM 1 Hba1c Recall
  • QIM 4,5,6 Flu Vaccination Recall
  • QIM 8 CV Risk Assessment
  • QIM 9 Cervical Cancer Screening
  • QIM 10 Diabetes Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes information/Recall
  • COVID 19 Vaccination 75+
  • Bowel Cancer Screening
  • Breast Cancer Screening
  • 75+ Health Assessment
  • 45-49 Health Assessment
  • Home Medicines Review Recall
  • Heart Health Check Recall
  • Shingles Recall
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine Recall
  • GPMP/TCA Recall
  • Item 715 Health Assessment

Current Country SA PHN GoShare activities

  • Shingles recall
  • Diabetes
  • Pneumococcal recall
  • Healthy Lifestyle Program
  • Covid Immunisation targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Palliative Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Cancer Screening
  • Reminders and recalls for chronic disease
  • Quality Improvement (QI) activities supporting Practice Incentive Payments (PIP) and Accreditation support

Healthy Lifestyle Program

The aim of the GoShare “Healthy Lifestyle Program” is to deliver an efficient, targeted, measurable, and culturally appropriate approach to the provision of health and wellbeing information – including a focus on pregnancy and chronic disease.

This targeted approach provides consumers with self-management support, empowering them to play a more active role in their own health.

Educational video messages from subject matter experts and community role models are sent directly to the consumer’s mobile phone from their primary health care provider.

As a two-pronged approach, Country SA PHN are providing upskilling to GPs and Health Professionals from Dr Zali Yager to support them with positive messaging.

Healthy Lifestyle YouTube Messaging


Feedback from General Practitioners

“Lifestyle medicine is the key to so many of our chronic disease and cancer prevention and management. I’d be keen to pursue things in this area”.

“I am really interested in your Healthy Lifestyle funded program and was hoping that I could organize to either meet or have a zoom meeting regarding this. I am one of the doctors at our practice and would like to learn more about how we could use your program.”

“We found the program so encouraging we have sent it all our patients not just the pregnant and chronic disease patients”

“We have found GoShare easy to use. Their support and instructions are fantastic, and it has enabled us to be proactive with health information rather than reactive. With some additional doctors and available appointments, it has been great to use to utilize the appointment availability”

Feedback from Allied Health Professionals

"We provide physiotherapy services in four towns within the Limestone Coast region and would love to refer our patients to this program”

“Can we please use the YouTube video in our waiting room to encourage patients to be proactive with their health?” 

Feedback from Consumers

Very powerful messaging

“The advice from the health professionals was very positive and encouraging”

“I thought Lachlan’s advice was great”