
Taking Care of Our Communities

Kite Program

Taking Care our Our Country SA Communities

Supporting community during COVID-19

COVID-19 has created dramatic changes in our work and personal lives. The uncertain journey ahead in terms of restrictions and second waves can be destabilising and concerning. Supporting people through this time, in terms of wellbeing, engagement and connection is critical. Here at Country SA PHN we know it is important to take care of our communities.

In recognition of this, we are providing free access to the Kite Support app to anyone living or working in Country South Australia. We offer this support to help maintain workforce wellbeing and assist in workplace and individual resilience development. This wellbeing support helps to underpin the success of our shared goals and the region’s long term health outcomes.

What is being impacted most?

  • Our personal wellbeing: the way we think, feel and look after ourselves through adversity and stress
  • Our social wellbeing: the relationships we have, how we communicate, and our awareness of those around us
  • Our Leadership skills: the way we manage our teams and our businesses outside of the office environment
  • How we now do our jobs: the tools we use, how we engage colleagues and customers

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Kite Brochure
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What is Kite Support?

A clever and calming app that takes just 5 minutes per day

Kite Support is a wellbeing and learning solution delivered via a clever and calming app that takes just 5 minutes per day.

  • Developed by experts in health, corporate wellbeing, organisational development and resilience.
  • Micro-learning - designed to be easy to use with bite-size daily activities to reduce the information overload.
  • Work through it at your own pace and complete the further learning activities if you have time.
  • Evidence based activities that really work - try each day and see if it resonates in your life.
  • Designed to be like a book rather than an app, making it a calming and helpful addition to your phone.

How it works

How does Kite Support provide support for community?

4 distinct areas of support

  • Personal wellbeing
    Including mindset, self care, managing anxiety, and vision and purpose
  • Social wellbeing
    Including strengthening relationships, communication, mental health awareness and parental guilt
  • Leading through change
    Including managing through adversity, health promoting leadership and coaching
  • New ways of working
    Including remote working, managing time, habits for success and staying connected

Choose your own journey and spend 5 minutes each day on you.

Kite Support App

The Kite Support app was developed by specialists in health and corporate wellbeing, which makes this app relevant to a wide range of individuals.

Country SA PHN is proud to provide free access to the Kite Support app for all people living or working in country South Australia.

If you would like access to the app and are a health professional, please click here. If you are not a health professional but would like access to the app, please click here.

Access the Kite Support App

Complete your online request form.

Apply Now

Published on: November 25, 2020

Last updated on: November 26, 2020