
What is it like setting up a care finder program for people in the middle of a housing crisis?

Country SA PHN Newsletter November 2024

Michelle Holman, Agedcare Alternatives care finder Adviser for the Limestone Coast, had that experience when she joined the care finder program earlier in 2024.

Michelle recently graduated as a Social Worker and while she had limited experience in aged care, she brought an energetic, friendly, and personable approach, so was just the person we were looking for in the care finder role.

Our care finder’s work with people who are eligible for aged care services but require significant support to access services and other community supports. Agedcare Alternatives has specific expertise in supporting people who are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity. Without a secure place to call home, receiving aged care supports is impossible.

Michelle immediately commenced building the profile of the care finder program in Mount Gambier, she was out connecting with people and building local knowledge of the program.  One of the core roles of the care finder service is assertive outreach which create networks of local contacts to assist connection and rapport building with potential care finder clients. This is particularly important in the middle of the current housing crisis where organisations in the housing sector are swamped with clients of their own.

Michelle’s hard work paid off and she started to receive referrals into the care finder program.  Supporting a client is to work in partnership with the person, and often many other support providers to achieve positive outcomes for the person.

As her network in Mount Gambier matured, Michelle turned her focus to the rest of the Limestone Coast. This involved researching the area, understanding and connecting with other support organisations, people, and community groups and scheduling visits. Whilst confessing she is not too comfortable with public speaking; Michelle has provided community talks on the care finder program with many communities and groups. Currently, Michelle is supporting 24 care finder clients, many who are at risk of homelessness. She has already achieved fantastic outcomes as result of her and the Agedcare Alternatives small care finder team’s commitment to make the lives of older people in the LimestoneCoast better.

Agedcare Alternatives provide the care finder service in the South East, Riverland and Hills, Mallee & Southern. For more information or to make a referral to Agedcare Alternatives care finder program, call 08 8408 4600 or visit the AgedCare Alternatives website.

This service is supported by funding from Adelaide PHN and Country SA PHN through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.

Michelle Holman, care finder Advisor Agedcare Alternatives.
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