
Aboriginal Health

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have passed away.

A National health framework

Delivering better health care to the Aboriginal Community in SA

Social and Emotional Wellbeing

The current National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023 delivered by the Department of Health guides all health activities in Australia. This is likely to significantly change post 2023 to be in line with the reforms in the National Partnership Agreement delivered in 2020. The Implementation Plan has also been provided to assist further in the implementation of these policies.

National Strategic Framework

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017-2023


Aboriginal Services

Supporting emotional and social wellbeing

There are multiple services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people being funded by Country SA PHN. The areas of funding include:

  • Integrated Team Care
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Flexible Funding
  • Mental Health, Alcohol & Other Drugs Funding

Services co-designed with the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health sector have a strong basis in the Social and Emotional Wellbeing perspective, where physical health, while a key concern, is not the only concern and multiple factors affect physical health.

Chronic Disease Consortium

Improved health & wellbeing

Country SA PHN is part of the South Australian Aboriginal Chronic Disease Consortium, which was established to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal South Australians by working together in the prevention and support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic diseases.

The South Australian Aboriginal Chronic Disease Consortium Road Map for Action outlines the specific activities in which the partnership is striving toward.

SA Aboriginal Chronic Disease

Visit the SA Aboriginal Chronic Disease website for more information.

Visit Site
Chronic Disease Consortium Road Map
Download PDF

COVID vaccination recall program with video messages from First Nations community leaders

Provide your patients with culturally appropriate information about COVID vaccination from trusted community leaders within your region.

Country SA PHN and Healthily with the use of GoShare Plus will use CAT4 to identify eligible patients to provide General Practices and Aboriginal Medical Services the opportunity to convey culturally appropriate video messages on the importance of being vaccinated against COVID-19.

CSAPHN & Professional Research Bodies

Country SA PHN works closely with the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute in the connection between Aboriginal Health research and policy.

The Wardliparingga Aboriginal Research Theme provide invaluable information to support the strategic direction of Aboriginal health policy in country South Australia.

Country SA PHN is part of the South Australian Aboriginal Chronic Disease Consortium, which was established to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal South Australians by working together in the prevention and support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic diseases.

The South Australian Aboriginal Chronic Disease Consortium Road Map for Action outlines the specific activities in which the partnership is striving toward. Aboriginal Health has a national policy framework that is delivered through the National Partnership Agreements between the Australian Government and the States and Territories of Australia. This agreement has a supporting National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023 delivered by the Department of Health and guides all health activities in Australia.

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  • Look at the implications of research and what that may mean to services on the ground.
  • Look at areas where there are known gaps
  • Look at past and present researched responses to ensure gaps within the primary health care sector being addressed accordingly.

Ensure research outcomes are applied within an Aboriginal context encompassing self-management and self-determination within a holistic health framework.


For further information on the Aboriginal Health, please contact the team.

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Published on: November 12, 2020

Last updated on: January 16, 2023