Improving health & social outcomes
The Drug and Alcohol Program provides Commonwealth funding for drug and alcohol related activities and aims to achieve improved health and social outcomes for individuals, families, and communities at risk of, or currently affected by, substance misuse in Australia.
Country SA PHN commissions a diverse range of Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) treatment services and activities across regional, rural and remote South Australia.
Providing support for those at risk of substance misuse
Country SA PHN Alcohol and Other Drugs program is comprised of two funding streams
The NIAS was established in 2015 in response to increased rates of Ice use and drug related harm.
The initiative aims to reduce the prevalence of use in addition to providing early intervention and treatment options and further access to AOD services.
NGOTGP was established in 1997 as a result of the Australian Government’s commitment to improving options for those seeking treatment for their substance abuse.
The funding aims to strengthen the capacity of non-government drug and alcohol organisations to achieve improved service outcomes and to increase the prevalence of treatment opportunities.
Youth AOD Services
Increase access to drug and alcohol treatment services and reduce drug related harm for individuals, families and communities targeting 13 to 18-year olds.
AOD Services
Increase access to drug and alcohol treatment services and reduce drug related harm for individuals, families and communities
Aboriginal AOD services
Assisting communities with an integrated package of individual client counselling, treatment and referral, staff upskilling group sessions and education, and community events.
Increase access to Alcohol and Other Drugs treatment services and reduce drug related harm for Indigenous Australians and their communities in the Outback
AOD Services
Increase access to drug and alcohol treatment services and reduce drug related harm
AOD Services
Increase access to drug and alcohol treatment services and reduce drug related harm for Indigenous Australians, and their communities
Aboriginal AOD services
To deliver Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs prevention and treatment services to Indigenous people
Youth AOD Services
Improve the effectiveness of drug and alcohol treatment services for individuals requiring support and treatment, by increasing coordination between various sectors and improving sector efficiency.
Youth AOD Services
Increase access to drug and alcohol rehabilitation and treatment services in the Eyre – Flinders region and York – Northern Region. Improve the effectiveness of drug and alcohol treatment services for individuals requiring support and treatment particularly for methamphetamine use, by increasing coordination between various sectors and improving sector efficiency.
Aboriginal AOD Services
Increase early intervention/prevention to at risk clients through access to drug and alcohol counselling within the Riverland region.
For information about all alcohol and other drug treatment and support services in South Australia visit the websites below.
This website provides individuals, families and health professionals with a directory of services and information about treatment options and selecting a service.
South Australian Network of Drug and Alcohol Services (SANDAS)- providing independent, state-wide representation, advocacy and support for non-government organisations working in the alcohol and other drug sector
Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA) provides statewide alcohol and other drug treatment services.
Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) an independent, not for profit organisation working to prevent alcohol and drug problems in communities
Published on: November 12, 2020
Last updated on: February 7, 2025