Ease of access to healthcare for the rural community
At Country SA PHN, our Digital Health team can provide advice and access to telehealth information and systems, including:
What systems can we offer?
Through the PHN, we can offer access to two telehealth systems. Each system has a different purpose and connects you to different providers.
In South Australia, SA Health public hospitals currently use a Cisco supplied video conferencing system as their official telehealth system. The system is often referred to as Cisco Jabber however Jabber is just one of several Cisco software products that make up their video conferencing suite.
Through our Health Connections Video telehealth program, we can provide clinics with the necessary Cisco software to connect into the SA Health system and access specialists and other services such as the Regional Mental Health Services team.
The Commonwealth Government, in partnership with HeatlhDirect and PHN’s, have provided subsidised access to HealthDirect’s Video Call telehealth system till 31 March, 2021 for GPs, and 30 June 2021 for non-GP type Primary care services. Accessed through a web browser, any Provider can access the system to commence a telehealth consult with their patient.
In South Australia, SA Health public hospitals currently use a Cisco supplied video conferencing system as their official telehealth system. The system is often referred to as Cisco Jabber however Jabber is just one of several Cisco software products that make up their video conferencing suite. Through our Health Connections Video telehealth program, we can provide clinics with the necessary Cisco software to connect into the SA Health system and access specialists and other services such as the Regional Mental Health Services team.
The Commonwealth Government, in partnership with HeatlhDirect and PHN’s, have provided subsidised access to HealthDirect’s Video Call telehealth system till 31st March, 2021 for GPs, and 30th June 2021 for non-GP type Primary care services. Accessed through a web browser, any Provider can access the system to commence a telehealth consult with their patient.
Need support? Contact our Digital Health Team
healthdirect Video Call has been developed by healthdirect Australia to make it easy for healthcare providers to offer services via video call, reducing travel, cost & wait times...
Published on: November 12, 2020
Last updated on: January 19, 2021