
715 Preventative Health

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A Health Check to Prevent chronic disease

Early identification of disease risk factors

The 715 Preventative Health Assessment (also known as a Health Check) provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people the opportunity to have their health comprehensively assessed to identify risk factors for chronic disease through providing access to preventative and early intervention management strategies.

Currently only 1 in 3 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people access the 715 Health Check in CSAPHN, the national target to reach for 2023 as part of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan is 2 in 3 people.

715 Health Assessments have been proven to increase health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and has been effective in early detection of issues.

The RACGP National Guideline provides more information, and more background to the 715 Health Assessment as well as key data and research. In addition, as part of improving the quality of care the RACGP 5th Edition Standards for General Practice provides that: 

  • Core Standard 4 – Health promotion and preventative activities: C4.1 A Our patients receive appropriately tailored information about health promotion, illness prevention, and preventive care. You must document in the patient’s health record discussions or activities relating to preventive health. 
  • Core Standard 5- C5.1 Diagnosis and management of health issues: C5.1 B Our clinical team supports consistent diagnosis and management of our patients. Use relevant clinical guidelines for treating patients who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, and for preventing and managing ​chronic diseases in these patients.

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The 715 Health Check Video

Why should you get a health check?

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Promoting the need for a 715
Preventative Health Assessment

Key resources to assist GPs

The Indigenous Health Project Officers in your area are able to assist your Practice in providing support and advice in the delivery of services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including necessary fundamentals to help get you started in 715 Health Check Promotion and further supports, advice and information with follow-up care.


To get involved please contact the Indigenous
Health Project Officer in your area