
Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention and Postvention (after suicide)

Early identification of risk factors

Suicide remains the leading cause of death among people aged 15-44 years. In addition to the premature loss of life, suicide can have a profound and lasting impact on families, workplaces and our regional, rural and remote communities.

We are committed to providing integrated systems-based regional approaches in partnership, that support people who have attempted suicide, are at risk of suicide or bereaved by suicide.  Focusing also on programs that build the capacity and confidence of our communities and workforce to recognise and respond to suicide across Country SA.

Country SA PHN was also one of the 12 national trial sites around the country taking part in the National Suicide Prevention Trial, with work in the region targeted towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, young people aged 15 -24 and men aged 24–54. Click here to read more about our trial site activities.

The 2022-23 Federal Budget included an investment of $42.3 million in targeted regional initiatives for suicide prevention (TRISP) 2022-2023 to 2023-2024.   This builds on lessons from the National Suicide Prevention Trial and expands activities across 31 PHNs nationally. This measure aims to support the transition and learnings from the National Suicide Prevention Trial environment towards building the capacity of all PHNs to implement evidence based, systems orientated and community led approaches to suicide prevention across Australia. The funding supports the Regional Suicide Prevention Coordinator role in each PHN as well as additional investment in regional and community based suicide prevention interventions.

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Seeking Urgent help?

In an emergency please call 000, visit your nearest hospital emergency or contact any of the crisis helplines.


Alternatives to Suicide (Alt2Su) approach in SA

For and with people with lived experience of mental distress

The Alternatives to Suicide approach was originally developed in 2008 by Wildflower Alliance in the United States. The approach responds to suicide differently, with principles aligned with Intentional Peer Support (IPS) and the Hearing Voices Approach.
As outlined in the Alt2Su Groups Charter, a core value of the approach is the concept of responsibility to, and not for or over. This means that when responding to people in distress using this approach, there’s a commitment to people – to be present and hold space. There is no responsibility assumed for or over others’ well-being, choices or actions. There are no attempts to fix anything or take someone else's power away. For that reason, this approach never involves risk assessment or forced treatment.

Alt2Su groups offer an opportunity for people with their own personal experiences of suicide, including those currently feeling distressed or in crisis, to connect with other people in the community who have had similar experiences. When suicide is able to be talked about without stigma, prejudice or judgement it creates room to discuss what meaning suicide has in each individual’s life and what other solutions may help create a life that is meaningful to them.
In South Australia LELAN has been implementing the Alternatives to Suicide (Alt2su) project throughout 2022 and 2023 and offering a number of groups and trainings across the state.

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How you can get involved

Attend an Alt2Su group -

Participate in a training - or contact the LELAN team at [email protected].


Suicide Prevention Grants

About the Targeted Regional Initiatives for Suicide Prevention (TRISP) Grants

The Federal Government Targeted Regional Initiatives for Suicide Prevention (TRISP) investment provided funding to support Country SA PHN in offering small grants of up to $20,000.00 to community groups, Suicide Prevention Networks and non-government organisations located within Country South Australia.  The goal of the TRISP Grants was to progress one or more of the following strategy types below and/or build upon findings from the local evaluation of the Country SA PHN National Suicide Prevention Trials of 2016-2022, strengthening the capacity for communities to implement system wide responses to reduce the risk of suicide in their region.

  1. Promoting help-seeking, mental health, and resilience
  2. Training the community to recognise and respond early to distress
  3. Improving care coordination and service pathways
  4. Engaging the community and providing opportunities to be part of the change
  5. Building capacity and capability of local workforce to respond to suicide and distress
  6. Encouraging safe and purposeful media reporting

Some of the above categories have been developed using the LifeSpan model’s systems approach. Click here to find out more about the LifeSpan model.

Click here to access the local evaluation of the Country SA PHN National Suicide Prevention Trial Evaluation Report.

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LifeSpan trials

LifeSpan is an integrated framework for suicide prevention. It combines nine strategies that have evidence for suicide prevention into one community-led approach incorporating health, education, frontline services, business and the community.


Suicide Prevention Service Providers


For further information on the Suicide Prevention Services, please contact the team.

Karen McColl

Regional Suicide Prevention Coordinator

Chez Curnow

Executive Manager - Mental Health and Alcohol & Other Drugs

Published on: November 11, 2020

Last updated on: August 23, 2024