
Integrated Team Care

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have passed away.

Working With Aboriginal Health Organisations

Delivering local solutions to a national problem

Integrated Team Care is one of four responses by the Closing the Gap (CTG) Strategy: Tackling Indigenous Chronic Disease developed through the Coalition of Australian Governments and funded through the Indigenous Australians Health Programme. For more information on the CTG Strategy, please see the Closing the Gap Strategy website.

Integrated Team Care is formerly the Improving Indigenous Access to Mainstream Primary Health Program and Care Coordination and Supplementary Services Program.

Closing the Gap

For more information about the Integrated Team Care Program visit the Department of Health.


What is the purpose of the ITC Team?

Improving Aboriginal health by providing better access to care

Project Aims

Contribute to improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic health conditions through better access to coordinated and multidisciplinary care, and support for self-management.

Contribute to closing the gap in life expectancy by improved access to culturally appropriate mainstream primary care services (including but not limited to general practice, allied health and specialists) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The objectives are to:

  • contribute to better treatment and management of chronic conditions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enrolled on the program;
  • improve access to appropriate health care through care coordination and provision of supplementary services for eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic disease;
  • foster collaboration and support between the mainstream primary care and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector;
  • improve the capacity of mainstream primary care services to deliver culturally appropriate services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; and
  • increase the uptake of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items, including Health Assessments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and follow up items.

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Three main resources

There are three main resources which deliver this purpose across country South Australia and includes:

  • Care Coordinators
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Outreach Workers
  • Indigenous Health Project Officers

Uncle Adrian’s Health Journey

Wirangu Elder, Uncle Adrian
Ware shares his health journey to
becoming cancer free with the help of the ITC program provided by Yadu Health Aboriginal Corporation in Ceduna.

An outstanding example of the
positive and indeed lifesaving
support that the ITC program can
provide is demonstrated by the
health journey of Wirangu man
Adrian Ware. Adrian is an ITC
client at Yadu Health Aboriginal
Corporation in Ceduna.

Integrated Team Care Service Providers


Contact our team with any further questions

Contact Us
ITC Program Information

Further information surrounding the ITC Program is publicly available through the Integrated Team Care (ITC) Implementation Guidelines provided by the Department of Health.

Improving Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Access to Mainstream Services

There are a range of information and resources available to assist mainstream services in improving the access to culturally safe care. The following resources areas contribute to improving this access.

Practice Incentive Program: Indigenous Health Incentive Information

The Department of Human Services have information regarding the Practice Incentive Program for General Practices for Indigenous Health. This includes:

General Practices can also use the Health Professionals Online Services (HPOS) system to complete their registrations for the Practice Incentive Programs.

Published on: November 12, 2020

Last updated on: January 16, 2023