
End of Life Law for Clinicians

This training program for medical practitioners and students, nurses and allied and other health professionals focuses on the law relating to end of life decision-making. There are 13 modules:

  • The role of law in end of life care                                       
  • Capacity and consent to medical treatment
  • Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment
  • Advance Care Planning and Advance Care Directives
  • Substitute decision-making for medical treatment
  • Legal protection for administering pain and symptom relief
  • Children and end of life decision-making
  • Futile or non-beneficial treatment
  • Emergency treatment for adults
  • Managing conflict
  • Voluntary assisted dying 
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and end of life law
  • Inclusive end of life decision-making for diverse populations

To begin, please select your discipline from the courses below, and enrol in that course. If you are not a medical practitioner, medical student, nurse or allied health professional we recommend you select the Medical practitioners and students course. Please note you only need to complete one of these courses to complete the End of Life Law for Clinicians training.

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