
GoShare Healthy Lifestyle Program

Healthily and Country SA PHN have co-designed a GoShare digital patient education program to deliver a Primary care-led approach to providing patients with education about healthy weight.

With the use of GoShare Plus the aim is to deliver an efficient, targeted, measurable and culturally appropriate approach to the provision of health and wellbeing information (with a focus on healthy weight), utilising video messages from subject matter experts, and community role models. Education is sent directly to patient’s mobile phones via SMS from their trusted primary healthcare provider. This enables a targeted technology-driven solution to align with the underlying values and concerns of each group, which can be delivered at scale. The campaign will consist of two separate programs. The first is being developed for pregnant women and the second will be for a general audience.

The team of Healthily Dr Tina Parkison and Mark Parkison recently flew to Port Lincoln to film consumers and health professionals who delivered messaging for the program.

If your practice would like to be involved with the program please contact [email protected] to register your interest.

Lachlan, community member; Julie Di Rito, Primary Care and Digital Support Manager; Mark Parkinson, Healthily; and Jane Cooper, Primary Care and Digital Support Officer at the CSAPHN Port Lincoln Office

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