
Pathways of care for people living with dementia

It is estimated there are 40,300 people living with dementia in South Australia in 2022. Without a medical breakthrough, the number of people living with dementia is expected to increase to an estimated 73,000 people in 2058.[1]  In 2019-20 over half (54%) permanent residential aged care residents in Australia had dementia.[2]

The General Practitioner is usually the first contact when concerns about thinking or memory arise. The aged care and dementia HealthPathways, built on best-practice guidelines, support General Practitioners and other Health Practitioners with easy access to comprehensive, evidence-based assessment, management and localised referral resources, specific to the South Australian context.

Accessing support as early as possible can help improve symptoms and slow down progression of dementia. For people experiencing symptoms of cognitive impairment or dementia and their carers, these HealthPathways mean healthcare teams are able to better navigate diagnostic and post-diagnostic services, treatment options and connection to supports.

“A major review of the Cognitive Impairment and Dementia pathway has been undertaken. This updated pathway focuses on timely diagnosis, includes a more detailed assessment section and emphasises the importance of screening for cognitive decline. It also guides clinicians to focus on taking a person-centred approach to dementia management and to consider co-ordinating a team to maximise patients’ function and quality of life. It includes updated links to the most helpful peak bodies’ resources, both for health professionals and for patients and their carers.”  Dr Anna Billington, GP Clinical Editor 

Please see below the links to the updated pathway:

Access to HealthPathways SA is free to health professionals, for access to the site click here.

HealthPathways SA is a partnership between Wellbeing SA, Adelaide PHN and Country SA PHN.

Become Involved with pathway development and provide feedback

Health professionals wanting to be involved in HealthPathways SA can do so in a variety of ways:

  • Be involved in the development of a newly created clinical pathway by working collaboratively with the HealthPathways SA clinical team.
  • Provide feedback - HealthPathways are dynamic and your feedback is essential to maintain currency. If you would like to provide feedback, there is a feedback button on every pathway and referral page, or alternatively email us at [email protected].

[1] Prevalence estimates 2022-2058 (

[2] Dementia in Australia, About - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (

Published on: December 7, 2022

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