
Safer Baby Bundle Stillbirth Prevention Campaign

Wellbeing SA is supporting promotion of the Australian Safer Baby Bundle via a new campaign to help increase awareness of the practices that can reduce stillbirth and keep a baby safe during pregnancy.  

The campaign encourages South Australian women who are pregnant to:

  • start every sleep on their side from 28 weeks of pregnancy;
  • be aware of their baby’s movements and contact their doctor, midwife or Aboriginal maternal infant care practitioner immediately if their baby’s movement pattern slows or changes; and
  • stop smoking as early as possible.

Those who provide health care to women who are pregnant can find clinical smoking cessation resources, decreased fetal movement resources, and side sleeping resources via the Stillbirth Centre of Research Excellence website.

South Australian women who are pregnant (as well as their families, friends and support networks) can find more information about reducing the risk of stillbirth at   

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