During busy and challenging times, it is the last thing doctors are thinking about….‘your own health’.
“ Maintaining your health and your peak performance is vital, though not easy in a busy rural practice ”, said Dr Roger Sexton, Medical Director of Doctors’ Health SA, “ The GP team at Doctors’ Health SA are able to see rural doctors over telehealth after hours, or there are some rural practices and GPs who are happy to see doctors as patients ”.
The Doctors’ Health SA model is about your whole health and supporting you throughout your medical career – personally and professionally. The many transitions across your career pose different challenges along the way and it is important to have a good team around you, and that includes having your own GP.
Appointments with a Doctors’ Health SA GP can be booked via the website – www.doctorshealthsa.com.au. To find a GP near you, or in the metro area visit Find A GP page - http://doctorshealthsa.com.au/find-a-gp or phone the Doctors’ Health SA clinic for more information on 08 8232 1250 or email [email protected]
You can speak with a Doctors’ Health SA GP via the free 24/7 urgent support phone line on 08 8366 0250.
The program is funded by Country SA PHN
The popular Rural Retreats are back in 2023, February and May, you can express an interest to attend by emailing Program Manager, Kiara Cannizzaro, [email protected]
If you are a doctor who has an interest in doctors’ health and/or sees doctor-patients, the Australasian Doctors’ Health Conference is hosted by Doctors’ Health SA this year and is on from 1st to 3rd December 2022 may be of interest. There are over 50 presenters covering all aspects of doctors’ and medical students’ health and wellbeing, you can review the program and information about registration via this website - https://adhc.doctorshealthsa.com.au/
Published on: September 29, 2022