
Syphilis revised pathway

As the Syphilis outbreak spreads in South Australia, GPs can stay up to date with the latest practice guidelines on HealthPathways. The recently revised Syphilis pathway provides testing guidelines as well as a systematic approach to assessment and management.  

“The South Australian outbreak of infectious syphilis is impacting all regions with increasing case numbers including congenital syphilis. The Syphilis pathway has been reviewed with the help of subject matter experts Dr Charlotte Bell and Dr Alison Ward to ensure GPs and other health professionals have access to current evidence-based information. Updated Australian STI guidelines have been incorporated including recommended investigations and result interpretation. Other additions include information about the global shortage of benzathine benzylpenicillin, contact tracing processes, and doxycycline prophylaxis (Doxy‑PEP) for the prevention of syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhoea amongst specific populations.”

Dr Suzi Pedler, GP Clinical Editor, HPSA

Clinicians can request access or view the pathway on the HealthPathways website.

HealthPathways SA is a partnership between SA Health, Adelaide PHN and Country SA PHN. 

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