
Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool- Eight initial assessment domains

Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool eight initial assessment domains to consider when determining mental health referral and treatment.  

The Initial Assessment and Referral guidance identifies eight domains that should be considered when determining the next steps in the referral and treatment process for a person seeking mental health support. There are four primary assessment domains and four contextual domains. Specific criteria are outlined in the guidance for assessing severity across each domain. 

Want to try the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool out for yourself?  If you would like to have a look at the IAR-DST please click here.  

(The Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool does not replace clinical judgment based on presentation. Your clinical judgment is irreplaceable) 

Questions and Answers

Question: Is the impact on mental health of an individual’s physical disability captured in Domain 4? I want to ensure this aspect isn’t missed for my patient.  
Answer: Yes. The broader term “physical health condition” is inclusive of conditions that cause disability. 

Question: If there is a diagnosis of alcohol use disorder (for example), can I consider this in in both Domain 1 and Domain 4 if the addiction is the primary or only diagnosis?  
Answer: Although substance use falls within the mental disorder diagnosis group, the IAR-DST was not designed to be used in cases where substance use is the only problem or diagnosis.  

CSAPHN realise and value the importance of working collaboratively throughout the life of the Initial Assessment and Referral Project and Sally or Maria will be ready to support you until for several years to come.  

How to reach us… 

Please contact Maria at to discuss training opportunities or you have a question, query or any feedback at all!  

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