Yorke Peninsula Country Times - Tuesday April 4 2023
APPLICATIONS are now open for grants through the newly established Rural Health Innovation Fund.
The fund is a standalone charity established by the Country SA PHN, and aims to provide funding opportunities for community-led programs in health and wellbeing initiatives.
“We are passionate about supporting rural communities by strengthening and encouraging innovative programs that will have lasting impacts,” Country SA PHN board chairperson Dr Simon Lockwood said.
“RHIF will create positive change through supporting community-based programs that address the diverse health and wellbeing needs of the rural community.”
The RHIF’s objectives are to provide one-off funding for community-based projects targeted at innovative initiatives that support quality health outcomes for people living in country South Australia and enable grant recipients to drive healthcare improvements (outcomes and experience) for people living in county areas, through projects and initiatives that are effective, efficient, sustainable and in support of equitable access to care.
Grant applications close on Monday, May 29.
For more information, visit https://www.countrysaphn.com.au/rural-health-innovation-fund/
Published on: April 12, 2023