It is well established that the first thousand days of a child's life are significant for future wellbeing and development outcomes. 1 Areas of concern for parents and caregivers, include 'unsettled' babies ie babies who cry uncontrollably, inconsolably, or wake frequently and, concern about normal growth.2 Furthermore, in the ARACY report, 'Understanding and responding to unsettled infant behaviour', found that at least one in four families will experience problematic infant crying and or fussing behaviour and a further one in three will have issues with infant sleep.2 Primary care clinicians are well placed to provide support and information to parents and caregivers.
HealthPathways have recently published two pathways that may be of assistance when supporting parents and caregivers, Unsettled Infants and Babies & Faltering Growth.
GP Clinical Editor, Dr Helena Williams has said of both of these pathways;
‘These pathways are really practical useful pathways for what are probably the two most common things parents of young infants come to see us for in general practice. I hope there are some useful nuggets of knowledge there for my GP colleagues.’
HealthPathways SA is free and available for all South Australian health professionals.
To register for access, visit the Project Site or for enquires or to get involved with pathway development, email us at [email protected]
1.The First Thousand Days. An Evidence Paper. Centre for Community Child Health, 2017. Accessed 19 January 2023,
2.Understanding and responding to unsettled infant behaviour. Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, 2011. Accessed 19 January 2023,