ScriptCheck SA supports good clinical practice by alerting prescribers and pharmacists to patients who may be at an increased risk of harm from monitored drugs.
However, it can be difficult to know what to do to support your patients if you think that they may be at risk of harm.
40% of doctors in South Australia are already registered for ScriptCheck SA.
70% of pharmacists in South Australia are already registered for ScriptCheck SA.
From 1 April 2022, AHPRA registered pharmacists (including interns and those in private and public hospitals, aged care facilities, correctional facilities, and other health services) will be required to check ScriptCheck SA before dispensing a monitored drug to a patient.
To help you provide quality care for your patients, the ScriptCheck SA online training modules contain resources, referral pathways and contact details for clinical and legislative advice in the one easily accessible location.
Register and access the free online training at
To learn more about ScriptCheck SA and the changes, watch the 15-minute presentation available on the ScriptCheck SA website. Questions should be directed to [email protected]